2009년 5월 30일 토요일


i commented on:

Response #8

6. Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."

When I read this, I felt like I could feel Ralph's weariness from all of this. It was just too much and it seemed like there was no end to this. He had been fighting against Jack and his group all this time, but Ralph was becoming tired too. It was like the good fighting off against the evil side. However, Piggy was the only one next to him, and now, he was gone too. It left Ralph crushed, hopeless, and weak. He didn't feel like he could go on any longer. The main reason I chose this passage was becasue this is how we all feel once in a while. We all try to gain something but the road is so hard and we break down. This passage also showed that Ralph was trying so hard but he wasn;t perfect, as humans aren't. It talks alot about the human side- "the darkness of a man's heart" and how imperfect we are.

Response #7

8. Answer the following question- "According to the authors you have studied, is it possible to create a Utopian community on planet Earth? Why or why not?"

My opinion is that it is impossible to create a Utopian community on planet Earth. People may try, but in this world of unending hate and violence, we can't create a place like heaven where eveyrthing is perfect and everyone is happy. It's just not possible. No one can agree on the fact that they want that kind of community. Some people in this world want to destroy things that get in their way and want to be on the top, ruling with their dark and evil desires. This is evident in history and has happened. People like Stalin and Hitler slaughtered millions of innocent lives for their own purposes to create their own perfect society. To them, it was a perfect society, but for others, it was a living hell during that process. People are keep on going to try, though, to make a peaceful and flawless society. But there will be the evil side always trying to bring them back down.

2009년 5월 28일 목요일

Response #6

7. Are there any settings in this novel that you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

When I read about the part where Simon was alone with the pig's head, it kind of scared me. The whole setting was really creepy and the descriptions felt real. ALthough it seemed for a moment, it was so real to me, that I felt that the pig was really talking and that it was actually alive. I felt that I was Simon at that spot- alone, up in the mountains, with a pig's head. I think all the scenes were just really detailed and vivid so it would be really easy for readers to imagine the setting. This scene just stood out to me the most because of the eeriness and I felt more than just that it was a pig's head. It wasn't just creepy that it talked, but how Simon saw the pig and the things he imagined that the pig said. This scene seems really relavent to the theme and title of the movie, about the boys being the beast themselves and the name of "Lord of the Flies", which symbolizes darkness and a side image like Satan. Simon is a very quiet character but he plays a great role and this scene is especially a great part.

Response #5

4. What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

In my opinion, I feel like the climax is when the boys split up and Jack plans to take Ralph down and kills Simon. Simon was going to tell that there was no such thing as a beastie and he had realized that it was the evil side inside them that was emerging. They were the beasts. If SImon had gotten a chance to actually tell the boys, the story might have different. However, that wasn't the case and he was killed. WHen I read about this scene, I felt really angry and felt hopeless for the boys because if they didnt have SImon to tell them the truth, they were just lost in their own flaws. It irritated me because just when they could've been informed about the beast, they killed Simon. It's like when things are about to turn right and then one bad thing happens and you're at the same place you started again. The reason I believe that the death of Simon is the climax is because after that incident, the boys are starting to realize thigns. For Jack, killing becomes an easier obsession for him and eventually plans to evne kill Ralph. Ralph is beginning to realize how corrupted they are and is willing to do anything to make the whole situation better.

2009년 5월 26일 화요일

Response #4

2. Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
  • This is related to the theme of how all mankind has an evil side and corrupted side inside of them. In the book of "Lord of the Flies", the setting is during the time of war and that is the reason why the boys are stranded on the island in the first place. In the world nowadays, when you see the news or on the Internet, you can see news about war breaking out in countries and the people who suffer. Everyone is being influenced by events of war, even if they aren't the one's being attacked. War is selfish and people do it out of selfish ambitions. THey have harsh and cruel intentions to crush one another and they want to be on the top. I don't think there are any part that the novel shows about how these current situations could be resolved, but I think Ralph and Piggy are actually the light. They were the only ones who weren't crazy like Jack and his group. They were being sensible and knew that they had to stick together, which would help them get saved. In a way, Piggy and Ralph are a symbol of hope. Even in the times where everyone seems driven by their selfish ambitions and desires, there is always someone who tries to make things better. So even in this world with so much hate and war going on, we have people who try to make peace and this world a better place for them and the rest.

Response #3

1. What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2009?
  • The major theme of this novel is that society can corrupt mankind and bring out the evil side inside of them, no matter what class, gender, age, or race they are. Humans are all the same. We all have an inner evilness inside of us and when the time comes, that evilness is released. It is so powerful and drives us with so much impact that we can't even control ourselves. In the book, the boys were basically insane and out of their minds. How could they be so merciless and ruthless if they were in their right minds? And plus, they were little boys too, like Simon and the boy who cried about the beastie. This is relevant and important to teenagers living the year of 2009 because even nowadays, you can hear people talking about how corrupted our world and society is. People say that the world is corrupted and that it is coming to an end all the time. They relate it to the prophecies in the Book of Revelations in the BIble and speak of the signs. In a world that is being distorted and negatively influenced, it is easy for us to follow that like the characters in the book. We can do things that we would have never imagined that we would do and think and feel things. The author of "Lord of the Flies" was showing these boys as a representation and how everyone has an inner evil side that is hidden. However, despite the corruption and evilness, amongst these, there may be an inner light where someone tries to make the good out of things and is not led astray. In this case, Ralph, Piggy, and Simon are the good ones who try to make Jack, Roger, and the rest of their group to come out of their lost senses.

2009년 5월 25일 월요일

Response #2

5. What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

While I was reading this novel, it made me really think about what could have driven these boys to kill each other and the innocence that was lost. More than being sad, I was shocked. These boys were stranded on an island during the time of war and they were helpless. However, in the beginning they somehow came together and were one until they began to get involved in conflicts with one another. There was the fire, the dispute about the glasses and the conch. These all builded up and finally exploded. There was nothing called a group. It was either Jack's side or Ralph's side. THe mood of this novel reveals a hint of corruption and hate. It relates to the theme of how society and war can corrupt us, even the innocent and naive children. It was as if they were compelled by some force and they couldn't control that force inside them. Their evil side had emerged from inside and it was taking over them.

Response #1

3. Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main character in this novel is Ralph. The books starts with him and he is chosen as leader amongst the boys. I personally like this character because he seems like the most normal one and the sensible one. Piggy is also very smart and thoughtful, but he is sometimes a little too paranoid, which becomes annoying to the reader and the rest of the characters too. Jack is too cocky and is so concerned with being the leader because he is the oldest. Out of all the boys, Ralph is the most quiet, but humble and also has a trait that makes him a good leader. Ralph is like the ruler, Piggy the assistant next to him, and Jack is the bad guy who's trying to overthrow Ralph. In the world's society, there are cases like these where there is a bad person who desires to take over and rule with their own ways.