2009년 5월 25일 월요일

Response #1

3. Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main character in this novel is Ralph. The books starts with him and he is chosen as leader amongst the boys. I personally like this character because he seems like the most normal one and the sensible one. Piggy is also very smart and thoughtful, but he is sometimes a little too paranoid, which becomes annoying to the reader and the rest of the characters too. Jack is too cocky and is so concerned with being the leader because he is the oldest. Out of all the boys, Ralph is the most quiet, but humble and also has a trait that makes him a good leader. Ralph is like the ruler, Piggy the assistant next to him, and Jack is the bad guy who's trying to overthrow Ralph. In the world's society, there are cases like these where there is a bad person who desires to take over and rule with their own ways.

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