2009년 5월 25일 월요일

Response #2

5. What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

While I was reading this novel, it made me really think about what could have driven these boys to kill each other and the innocence that was lost. More than being sad, I was shocked. These boys were stranded on an island during the time of war and they were helpless. However, in the beginning they somehow came together and were one until they began to get involved in conflicts with one another. There was the fire, the dispute about the glasses and the conch. These all builded up and finally exploded. There was nothing called a group. It was either Jack's side or Ralph's side. THe mood of this novel reveals a hint of corruption and hate. It relates to the theme of how society and war can corrupt us, even the innocent and naive children. It was as if they were compelled by some force and they couldn't control that force inside them. Their evil side had emerged from inside and it was taking over them.

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