2009년 5월 28일 목요일

Response #6

7. Are there any settings in this novel that you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

When I read about the part where Simon was alone with the pig's head, it kind of scared me. The whole setting was really creepy and the descriptions felt real. ALthough it seemed for a moment, it was so real to me, that I felt that the pig was really talking and that it was actually alive. I felt that I was Simon at that spot- alone, up in the mountains, with a pig's head. I think all the scenes were just really detailed and vivid so it would be really easy for readers to imagine the setting. This scene just stood out to me the most because of the eeriness and I felt more than just that it was a pig's head. It wasn't just creepy that it talked, but how Simon saw the pig and the things he imagined that the pig said. This scene seems really relavent to the theme and title of the movie, about the boys being the beast themselves and the name of "Lord of the Flies", which symbolizes darkness and a side image like Satan. Simon is a very quiet character but he plays a great role and this scene is especially a great part.

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