2009년 5월 26일 화요일

Response #3

1. What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2009?
  • The major theme of this novel is that society can corrupt mankind and bring out the evil side inside of them, no matter what class, gender, age, or race they are. Humans are all the same. We all have an inner evilness inside of us and when the time comes, that evilness is released. It is so powerful and drives us with so much impact that we can't even control ourselves. In the book, the boys were basically insane and out of their minds. How could they be so merciless and ruthless if they were in their right minds? And plus, they were little boys too, like Simon and the boy who cried about the beastie. This is relevant and important to teenagers living the year of 2009 because even nowadays, you can hear people talking about how corrupted our world and society is. People say that the world is corrupted and that it is coming to an end all the time. They relate it to the prophecies in the Book of Revelations in the BIble and speak of the signs. In a world that is being distorted and negatively influenced, it is easy for us to follow that like the characters in the book. We can do things that we would have never imagined that we would do and think and feel things. The author of "Lord of the Flies" was showing these boys as a representation and how everyone has an inner evil side that is hidden. However, despite the corruption and evilness, amongst these, there may be an inner light where someone tries to make the good out of things and is not led astray. In this case, Ralph, Piggy, and Simon are the good ones who try to make Jack, Roger, and the rest of their group to come out of their lost senses.

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