2009년 5월 26일 화요일

Response #4

2. Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
  • This is related to the theme of how all mankind has an evil side and corrupted side inside of them. In the book of "Lord of the Flies", the setting is during the time of war and that is the reason why the boys are stranded on the island in the first place. In the world nowadays, when you see the news or on the Internet, you can see news about war breaking out in countries and the people who suffer. Everyone is being influenced by events of war, even if they aren't the one's being attacked. War is selfish and people do it out of selfish ambitions. THey have harsh and cruel intentions to crush one another and they want to be on the top. I don't think there are any part that the novel shows about how these current situations could be resolved, but I think Ralph and Piggy are actually the light. They were the only ones who weren't crazy like Jack and his group. They were being sensible and knew that they had to stick together, which would help them get saved. In a way, Piggy and Ralph are a symbol of hope. Even in the times where everyone seems driven by their selfish ambitions and desires, there is always someone who tries to make things better. So even in this world with so much hate and war going on, we have people who try to make peace and this world a better place for them and the rest.

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